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Flat White Coffee: What Is It and Why Is Google Celebrating It?

Explain what flat white coffee is and why Google is celebrating it today. You can mention that it is a coffee drink made with espresso and steamed milk, and that it was added to the Oxford English Dictionary on March 11, 2011. You can also briefly mention its origins and popularity in Australia and New Zealand.

If you are a coffee lover, you might have noticed the charming doodle on Google's homepage today. It features a cup of flat white coffee, a delicious and smooth beverage that is made with espresso and steamed milk. But what exactly is flat white coffee and why is Google honoring it today? Let's find out!

What is flat white coffee?

Flat white coffee is a coffee drink that consists of a shot (or two) of espresso and steamed milk, creating a creamy and rich texture. It is usually served in a ceramic cup and has a thin layer of foam on top. The name "flat white" comes from the fact that it has less foam than a cappuccino or a latte, making it "flatter" in appearance.

Flat white coffee is believed to have originated in Australia and New Zealand in the 1980s, where it became a popular choice among coffee enthusiasts. According to Nescafe's official website, the preferred serving size for a flat white is a 160-165ml tulip cup, which is considerably smaller than the glass typically used for lattes and cappuccinos[^1^][1].

Why is Google celebrating flat white coffee today?

Compare and contrast flat white coffee with other espresso-based drinks, such as latte and cappuccino. You can highlight the differences in size, milk content, foam level, and texture. You can also share some tips on how to make a perfect flat white at home, such as using fresh, high-quality coffee beans, steaming the milk to a smooth and velvety consistency, and pouring it gently over the espresso shot.

Google is celebrating flat white coffee today because it marks the anniversary of the addition of the term "flat white" to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2011. This shows how the flat white has gained recognition and acceptance as a distinct coffee drink in the global coffee culture. Google's animated doodle illustrates the essence of the flat white and its worldwide popularity.

How is flat white coffee different from other espresso-based drinks?

Flat white coffee is often compared to other espresso-based drinks, such as latte and cappuccino, but there are some key differences that make it unique. Here are some of them:

- Size: Flat white coffee is smaller in size than a latte or a cappuccino, which means it has a higher ratio of coffee to milk. This gives it a stronger and more intense flavor than a latte or a cappuccino, which are more diluted and milky.

- Milk: Flat white coffee uses steamed milk that is heated to around 140-150 degrees Fahrenheit (60-65 degrees Celsius). The milk is steamed to create a smooth and velvety texture with tiny bubbles, not big foam bubbles. This makes the flat white more creamy and less airy than a latte or a cappuccino, which have more foam on top.

- Texture: Flat white coffee has a smooth and consistent texture throughout the drink, while a latte or a cappuccino have a more layered texture, with foam on top and espresso at the bottom. The flat white is also more balanced in taste, as the milk and the espresso are evenly distributed.

How to make a perfect flat white at home?

If you want to try making a flat white at home, here are some tips to help you achieve the best results:

- Use fresh, high-quality coffee beans for the best flavor. Grind your coffee beans to a fine consistency and pull a shot (or two) of espresso into a preheated cup.

- Heat your milk to around 140-150 degrees Fahrenheit (60-65 degrees Celsius). You can use whole milk, skim milk, or plant-based milk, depending on your preference. You want to create a smooth, velvety texture with tiny bubbles, not big foam bubbles. You can use a milk frother, a steam wand, or a microwave to heat and froth your milk.

- Pour the steamed milk into your espresso cup, holding back the foam with a spoon. You want a thin layer of creamy foam on top, about 5mm thick. You can also practice your pouring technique to create latte art if you'd like.

- Enjoy your delicious homemade flat white!

Flat white coffee is a wonderful drink that offers a smooth and creamy experience with a robust flavor. It is a great way to start your day or to treat yourself in the afternoon. Whether you order it at a cafe or make it at home, you will surely appreciate its charm and elegance. Do you love flat white coffee? Share your thoughts and opinions in the comments below!


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